Saturday, July 7, 2012

worker Theft Investigation - A Practical Guide

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Policies and Procedures - Have a written policy on disciplinary performance if an laborer is stealing.

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How is worker Theft Investigation - A Practical Guide

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Clearly define the theft. Sure, we know that when we see it, but sometimes habitancy see as a "loan". An example of such a policy statement to define the theft as "The unauthorized removal of the tangible and intangible assets." Warning not to use the word theft. Theft requires intent. Effects for the completion of its intention is not a problem. For trial, which is the crux of the allegations.

Communicate across the political orientation of new hires. Posters, newsletters, and blogs can help improve a gentle message. Make sure that all levels of society are linked to the policy of senior management.

Keep in mind that the precedents established with any termination. Ensure consistency in policy implementation. Administration must set the tone and lead by example in matters of policy. If a boss takes a laptop computer so your child can do a PowerPoint presentation in class, why can not make any employee?

If there is not a formal department of internal investigations conducted by the formulation of a plan (in writing) which began an investigation and that it manages. Have a written policy on searches of vehicles, personal items such as backpacks, briefcases and backpacks.

Have a written policy about the refusal to allow a search.

Employees seeking
Warning! The potential to find man (anyone) is a vital right for every business, but this should be thought about very sensitive. Put in the position of the man being sought to understand the feelings of the process. There are many scenarios to justify the need for search, but this argument will focus on workers and the implementation and Administration of the procedure.

Bag checks are base and must be acceptable by the employees if you place and concerns addressed. If a business adopts a policy of requiring employees to submit to the chase of policy and policy should be investigated with Human Resources, Legal, and Management. There are five rules that must be thought about when formulating the policy:

Definition of "search."

The searches are little to whatever outside the body. This includes bags, backpacks, brief cases, handbags, bags, etc. Do not touch whatever in the process. Do not search or undress. (yes, it happens).

The policy is in force for all levels of employees, together with (especially) Management.

The consistency of the policy. Under what circumstances will be carried out a search?

Who has the authority to search?

Policies are only as good as habitancy apply. Do not assume that a written policy created a written policy understood. Consistency in the application is the key. If, for example, there is a security man at the door and all employees are open to arrest and everything that they are carrying, together with the president of the business or owner should. There must be a clear definition of how a search can be conducted. Which is defined as man who can dig through it means a bag or a mere optic inspection is allowed? This is very important. A metal detector is suitable? If so how do you cope the activities?

Even with the best written policy from time to time man is denied. These denials do not necessarily mean they are in the act of robbery, but they can be evaporative situations, however, that can growth unnecessarily if handled improperly. What disciplinary performance is available for an laborer refuses to comply with business policy?

Unless there is a very compelling suspect for not allowing the laborer to leave if they refuse, then let them leave. First, however, one possible solution is to call a supervisor to remind employees of the policy. When the supervisor comes a argument in the middle of the laborer and the supervisor must be taken in an area that is as inexpressive as possible it could simply be to one side. If the laborer continues to refuse to consequent business policy after a quiet but firm argument with a supervisor, and then allow the laborer to leave. habitancy who try to search should document the incident, whether it is possible to retrieve video and turn the matter to which the disciplinary action. If you have other witnesses, procure their statements, too.

More points to think are: What if something is discovered to undoubtedly accomplish the search? It is the discovery of drugs such as marijuana, a firearm or covered in the scope of the search? How are those handled? What if the search reveals something that is suspected of being of value to the company? What are the steps?


Audit of its own policies and procedures. These should be performed commonly and without notice.

Look thought about at everything that involves cash or other negotiable items. There should be a series of checks and balances in place to detect problems. Bank deposits are particularly vulnerable.

How are deposits controlled? Is there a announcement if the bank deposit is a short or missing?

Notice to be man other than the man who deposited the money?

Is there a communicate or observation of deposit to guarantee the deposits are made daily?

Is there a requirement that the deposits were made during the day only? This helps prevent employees from faking a robbery and stealing money.

It is the garbage disposal? Dumpsters are good places to hide the asset only to return later and take it. How do you know what is in garbage bag? Tie the knot different.

If a business is not active, such as a laptop, there is a registration amount and name of the goods available.


Warning! If a pro is involved, the investigate department, a inexpressive investigator, or simply a Administration or supervisor, the investigation of an laborer for any suspect is very serious. Researchers who have sense in internal affairs should be the first selection to guide the investigation. There are fellowships that specialize in investigating white-collar crime that are available. Police departments are ordinarily not qualified to properly investigate most of the thefts internally because they do not have the time to learn the inner workings of a company. They are surely a resource to be used but will always be the conduit for the prosecution.

Immediately guide a acceptable investigation and if you learn of a theft. Document all investigate efforts.

Investigations are "sexy" to others. Remind everybody interviewed, not even a suspect, that the matter is confidential. Create a confidentiality agreement for signature, if possible. Tip: Employees often claim defamation after investigations. Keep all confidentiality agreements on observation about the sensitive nature. There is no real way to keep habitancy talking about the investigation, but as long as researchers and Administration to claim its confidentiality, the risk of a civil performance is low. The termination should be possible if an performance is broken confidentiality.

I am aware of a sexual harassment investigation when an entire department was interviewed on the basis of very detailed anonymous complaints. Each man was interviewed privately, and questions comments about or experiences with the department supervisor. The supervisor was fired but not admitted. After a defamation brought against the company. His argument was that habitancy who knew nothing about the alleged performance now knew who was being accused of sexual harassment and that the termination confirmed the allegations. Prize: $ 17 million.

Testing is important. business records, search for statements, corporeal evidence or video, should be preserved.

Thoroughly understand the laws on the use of polygraph tests and drugs. The use of the polygraph is governed by the Law on the security of laborer Polygraph and remains a viable tool when investigating a loss. If there are reasons to use a polygraph, my recommendation is to ask the police to do so. The laborer can refuse that is their right. The results of the polygraph or refusal to feel a polygraph is not grounds for terminating an employee. The entire investigation should be the basis for termination, not just solely on the results of the polygraph or the refusal to take the polygraph.

My sense with investigations into polygraphs is important but the results are mixed at best. I never had an laborer refuses to submit to an estimate, however, I would only 95% never appeared. No one who allegedly committed a theft or who is alleged that have carried out a robbery was never found to be true. If a police department conducted the polygraph firstly, that he could not disclose the results. However, when I said they could not erase the laborer as
a suspect, that in fact they gave me the results. Then conducted our own polygraph and, of course, has same results. Termination was based on a complete investigation. The polygraph is not the time but rather was a fence to the findings. Failure to safe the assets of the business was base to talk upon termination.


Interview and interrogation is an acquired skill that is a mixture of recognizing body language, knowing that does not allow an offender to the top, be sick person and know how and when to ask questions. There are two fellowships that offer schooling and training on conducting such interviews. Wicklander and Zulawski ( and Reid ( If the interviewer is unable, at least, should have established procedures for the rules to guide the non-research staff. The realization of "cold" that a series of interviews of habitancy who are interviewed in the hope of obtaining an income, not for the novice. In other words, investigate must produce enough evidence and facts to point to the real culprit (s). There is comfort in knowing what you know.

Here are some guidelines that must be considered. Be said that, regardless of skill level, greatest care is required of all interviews for research.

Interviews can be conducted with or without a search for present. Women workers should have seen this woman. A search for must sit outside the peripheral foresight of the man being interviewed. The search for should not be an active part of the interview, but should take notes. If the laborer diverts their concentration to the witnesses to speak to them, simply redirect calm returns to the interviewer.

Be prepared. Create a article of how to present his case. They have their documentation and testing and preparation.

Props. Examples of objects: the bulk of file folders with labels such as "theft of investigate John Doe" or videotapes with similar labels. A asset is intended to give the interviewee the impression of evidence against him. My recommendation: Do not use. If your investigate has no merit alone then maybe the decision to talk to the laborer should be reconsidered. Props to leave the theater.

Document the time of start and end of the interview and article on any offer of a rest for the use of a bath or drink even if it is rejected. Document the time of tenders and the acceptance / rejection.

Provide the laborer a document acknowledging that you can stop the interview at any time and are free to leave at any time. They have to sign the document for your records. Do not put yourself in the middle of the laborer and the door.

The most difficult part of an interview may just be starting. What do I say? If necessary, write a script and keep your hand as if giving a speech.

Being well aware of the period of the interview. If an admission that has not been done in an hour, then it is unlikely that any will furnish a discussion. It is foremost to understand that this does not mean that there is a acceptable length of the interviews recommend that neither precipitation is important. simply keep in mind that the laborer should never be given the impression that they will sit there until you confess or do not have the selection to end the interview. However, my sense of more than 1,000 interviews for example tells me that is an hour at the edge of a inexpensive period when interviewing man and not have income.

There are pros and cons for taking notes. Respondents tend to be distracted when they find something written by someone. during the interview, try not to take too many notes. You return to the earnings later.

Audio or video recording of an interview is risky territory. If done, must be the full recognition and approval of the interviewee. I have an interview recorded in my occupation and was a witness, not a suspect.

Being aware of the lateness of the interview. Not be the only habitancy around the building at 11:00 Pm. Be aware that if the laborer said he had an appointment and can not stand you may have to reschedule.

Never offer to negotiate the termination or prosecution. Do not offer if you just try not to "tell the truth or whether it just made the payments for loss" everything would be okay. " Do not make statements implying that the investigation will make the morning news (perhaps) if you do not admit the allegations. Do not threaten to fire them if they refuse to take a polygraph.

Do not allow the interviewee to guide the interview by demanding to take a polygraph. They can do that on their own if they wish, but it is not their decision as it relates to business business.

Show me the video! There is no enforcement to show any video of the interview test. Note: If you say you have, make sure you do.

Employees have a hard time using the word "stealing, theft, intentionally lied." Instead they use software such as "taking, provided, error, misleading." Efforts should be made to justify that they knew what they were doing was a robbery. While they were going to pay the money later, they were not authorized to take the money and do not belong to them. It is theft.

Expand the interview to understand how or where they learned he had the idea to do this. Sometimes employees are influenced when they see others do the same. This is especially true when a member of the leadership steal.

Obtain a written statement about the laborer who committed the robberies. Ask that includes the consequences of any other persons complicated in the robbery. Ask them to be very specific about the allegations. They have dates, times, circumstances, and the asset involved.

The windup of the interview should consequent in a written statement voluntarily. It must be written in the person's own handwriting and signed by the search for as well. Paper times start and end of the drafting of the declaration. Obtaining a written statement is important, but is leaving the issue open to quiz, the validity of the content. If at the end of the statement, which was left foremost facts or information, you may ask to write about it. Ok, how the statement is written, bad writing, bad grammar, spelling and all.

Finally, we should not read his Miranda rights, unless they are interviewed by law enforcement.


Terminals for theft should not be handled in a manner different from any other termination of the facts. Completion is based on an established policy and procedure. Sometimes, however, theft is thought about on a scale of value. Example: A bottle on a table was set up to procure money for a charity. An laborer who need lunch money, stole (was going to return the next day) $ 2.00. The money was not asset of the company, but the laborer done anyway. The theft of whatever causes of loss of trust and can not stop a risky precedent.

Consult your lawyer or the Legal department with respect to its investigation. Ultimately, they will have to defend the actions of the business when it comes to that. Nothing can prevent man from filing a civil lawsuit. The most foremost thing is that actions are defensible in court and that the plaintiff did not prevail.

Consider ending the use of "Violation of business Policy" in the theft. It is easier to defend because it does not wish intent or suggested.

Industries that hire young habitancy are very aware of parents in the termination of his son. If the child is an adult (based on the definition of State of adults), then the parents have no right to know whatever about the actions of the employer. A minor parents have no "rights" which requires a business to analyze the employment of his son or any performance taken. However, discretion is sometimes the best way and the case is discussed. What do you know the parent is often very different from the truth. Consult your lawyer before releasing any information.

Dealing with parents, guardians, spouses and friends is sometimes difficult. The hard fast
rule is that a business should not discuss with whatever inside information. Minor children hate
prospect of telling their parents who were fired for stealing, and therefore, facts is withheld or watered down. There are times when I read the statement of the laborer to the parents by telephone and, in most cases, and was surprised that is the end of the conversation. There are other times when parents are hostile and quiz, copies of the records, statements, and video and threaten to sue. I have no enforcement to speak with them or disclose the contents of investigate and commonly simply replied advice to talk to his son again, because they are not given any information. Never has taken any civil performance because of my lack of transportation with parents.

Suspension. Suspension before termination is extremely recommended. This serves as a sort of cooling-off period to procure all the pieces of investigate together for review. While it may be a windup that the termination is carried out, remains a good practice.


In percentage, few employees are undoubtedly prosecuted for theft. There are many reasons why, but frankly, it may simply not enough evidence that a prosecutor would want to take the case to trial. Prosecution is rare in the full recovery of the business and if restitution is required, is the return over the life of his parole. Much of the roster will be used to prosecute an employee. Cost must be weighed. The argument is made that the prosecution does not set a bad example. The quiz, we must respond is who knows that were prosecuted and who knows what the outcome was. It is not research?

Otp has a value but it is a business decision. think the following thought about to make that decision.

In most cases, call the police immediately is not necessary. While it may be more dramatic, there is no need to send man to the door in handcuffs. It is best to make investigate and take it to the local police. Do not rush this part of their investigation. The criminal process is not as portrayed on television.

His case can be well documented, but the prosecutor may resolve to plea agreement the case to a lower cost. Is out of your hands. His case may languish in the law because it is not a priority.

Loss of a criminal case may lead to a civil performance based on malicious prosecution. You can have a confession for $ 1000, but it may only be $ 50. Charges may be acceptable only on demonstrable $ 50.00.

Restitution and Civil Restitution

Restitution is an available selection in any case. It is simply the laborer is in agreement with what they stole back. Civil restitution is available in most states. Civil restitution is allowed, in general, through a civil statute, which basically said that a business can seek civil damages for the time and effort needed to investigate the incident. Every state has enacted what is known as the civil suit, has a range of damages that can be asked. In Texas, for example, damages up to $ 1,000 can be sought against one adult and up to $ 5000 against the parents of a minor. The monetary value of the theft is irrelevant. What is foremost to know is that restitution is a civil procedure. In essence, an boss may ask the trial, full restitution, and then file civil restitution. Check with your attorney about this and how to pursue this aspect. Regardless of the recipe chosen must have a written policy in place to adequately cover the practice.

If you try, you will receive restitution through the courts and for the courts as to the amount (if any) for payment and the amount of time to pay. If the prosecution is not then the return must be agreed and a promissory note must be created. I recommend a one-year period with equal payments every month.

Check with your attorney or human resources department and discuss how an laborer may voluntarily waive final pay, vacation pay, profit sharing or other sources within the business for a refund. A document must be created, allowing the laborer to use those funds for restitution. The form must be signed but need not necessarily to be notarized. This recipe provides the greatest occasion to recover from a robbery.

After the action

This is the part that is often on the sidelines of an investigation: the determination of root causes, or what happened and why we did not catch it before? arresting is the key and connect gaps in their current way of doing business is a challenge. arresting efforts will be flourishing about 80% of the time. A component of arresting is the fear of detection. It's the old quiz, of who would steal a million dollars if no one knew who did it. Some habitancy will never steal. Some steal if given a chance, regardless of the possibility of detection. Group fears that middle managers who are outside. This screening process should be in place through truthful monitoring of controls, policies and procedures. The arrest of an laborer is the consequent of a failure somewhere along the way. Note that all procedures are written with a exquisite world in the proceedings, but never followed correctly 100% of the time. Employees take benefit of the systemic infirmity and human error. You can not have one without the other.

Review of each piece of the chain of events in relationship with the robbery. Remember ... You asked the laborer how this happened. Make changes, but try not to go overboard and put safeguards in place that are beginning to hamper business.

Secrets to a flourishing laborer theft Research

Even the most sophisticated financial crimes is little to one thing: some "rule", whether political, procedural law, act, or note on the time clock has been violated. While this may be too obvious, is foremost when it comes to the time of the interview. Stating that the laborer understands the permissible way to guide their business will be the cornerstone of all actions. While pretending ignorance can be offered, it is extremely rare that the man did not know they were in violation, especially when it comes to theft. Researchers sometimes miss this great occasion for discussion. The laborer should be encouraged by the fact that they know how things are done properly and can communicate it roughly verbatim. However, it is a trap without realizing it, because his investigate showed that may have eluded them for protection. This recipe to dispel any plan of a lack of training.

The most foremost facet of an investigation is to learn what you do not know. His investigate can communicate all sorts of incriminating evidence, but that is what took place and it is likely that any events have not occurred. Too often, an laborer is given a file and said "Tell me about this." What's the next quiz, if the respond is "I do not know." The fruits of the investigate will enlarge far beyond what is called the interview process if handled properly. The smallest admission of theft is the beginning of an interview that ultimately merely confirms what we already knew. The success of the interview always wins over what is known. The art is knowing how to get that information.

The idea that the interviews and interrogations are mixed and arrogant is untrue. pro investigators and hold a conversation with humor. It is not about the words spoken, but more about the body language. The investigation of crime of any kind requires training and experience. Evidence is not very difficult, but the success of the investigation ultimately links to the personel events. In cases where admission is not done, one must be ready to act in the same test. An accusatory interview / interrogation will be a disaster if the laborer returned to work. Do not rush into an interview without knowing the facts.

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