Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why Progressives Should Support Ron Paul

1# Why Progressives Should Support Ron Paul.

VDO of Why Progressives Should Support Ron Paul

Why Progressives Should Support Ron Paul Video Clips. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from do you agree Tax Act Online 2011. 7 Reasons Liberals Should Support RON PAUL in the 2012 GOP Race 08/04/2011 1 Comment Ron Paul will END THE WARS Obama campaigned on an expedient end to the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, Ron Paul will actually do it! He has been against the wars from the beginning and has called for an immediate withdrawal! Meanwhile, Obama has extended his promised Iraq withdrawal timeline, increased troop levels in Afghanistan, and engaged in bombing campaigns in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, as well as an arguably unconstitutional war in Libya. We spend over billion a year on air conditioning in Iraq & Afghanistan alone! Ron Paul will end the wars immediately, bring troops home from around the globe, and reduce wasteful military spending. We cannot afford it and this money should be used to help people at home! Ron Paul will PROTECT CIVIL LIBERTIES Obama declared the Patriot Act unconstitutional and vowed to get rid of it. He recently signed a 4 year extension! It allows the government to ignore our Constitutional rights by engaging in warrantless searches, restricting free speech, and holding "suspects" indefinitely with no charges or trial. Ron Paul will vehemently protect all American's Constitutional rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from illegal searches & seizures, and arrest without trial. Ron Paul is ETHICAL, CONSISTENT, & PRINCIPLED Whether or not you agree with Ron Paul on every issue, he is undoubtedly one of the most ...
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