Friday, June 22, 2012

Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 Media Coverage - KATU2

1# Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 Media Coverage - KATU2.

VDO of Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 Media Coverage - KATU2

Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 Media Coverage - KATU2 Video Clips. Duration : 3.30 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Tax Act Online 2011. The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act has been approved for circulation. The certified ballot title is as follows: Allows personal marijuana, hemp cultivation/use without license; commission to regulate commercial marijuana cultivation/sale. Result of a "Yes" Vote: "Yes" vote allows commercial marijuana (cannabis) cultivation/sale to adults through state-licensed stores; allows unlicensed adult personal cultivation/use; prohibits restrictions on hemp (defined). Result of a "No" Vote: "No" vote retains existing civil and criminal laws prohibiting cultivation, possession and delivery of marijuana; retains current statutes that permit regulated medical use of marijuana. Summary: Currently, marijuana cultivation, possession and delivery are prohibited; regulated medical marijuana use is permitted. Measure replaces state, local marijuana laws except medical marijuana and driving under the influence laws; distinguishes "hemp" from "marijuana"; prohibits regulation of hemp. Creates commission to license marijuana cultivation by qualified persons and to purchase entire crop. Commission sells marijuana at cost to pharmacies, medical research facilities, and to qualified adults for profit through state-licensed stores. Ninety percent of net goes to state general fund, remainder to drug education, treatment, hemp promotion. Bans sales to, possession by minors. Bans public consumption except where signs permit, minors barred. Commission regulates use, sets prices, other duties; Attorney ...
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