Wednesday, June 27, 2012

16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough!

1# 16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough!. Advertisements

VDO of 16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough!

After we have a tendency to got the knowledge about Tax Act ago VDO, we will examine the 16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough!. I urge everyone to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I actually have bump into 16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough!. I saw that it absolutely was necessary for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not wish to publish VDO. i am pleased to be here. Thanks for a great VDO. 16 Must See Documentaries Part 1 of 2 Beyond Denial - Enough is Enough! Tube. Duration : 10.58 Mins.

~sub our network: ~reploaded with permission rageunderground Watch, Listen, Learn & Teach (inspire others) Outsmart Defeatism! 01. Why We Fight This film moves beyond the headlines of various American military operations to the deeper questions of why, why does America fight? What are the forces; political, economic, and ideological, that drive them to fight against an ever-changing enemy? 02. The End of America 10 Steps to Fascism: This film details the ten steps (blueprint) a country takes toward Fascism (corporatism). Historical look at trends once-functioning democracies failing rapidly. 03. War Made Easy: Orwellian memory-hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. 04. TerrorStorm: Historical examples of western governments covertly attacking their own civilians for political motives. Do the bombings of New York and London have any similarities to these events and why would leaders have a motive to terrorize their own civilians? 05. America: Freedom to Fascism: Exposing the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America. Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008. 06. The Future of Food: ~questions & critical attention about food production needs more public debate. Monsanto, Roundup ...
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