Thursday, July 19, 2012

Greece Election 2012 - The Liberal Alliance (For Ron Paul Supporters In Greece)

### Tax Act Online - Greece Election 2012 - The Liberal Alliance (For Ron Paul Supporters In Greece).###
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How is Greece Election 2012 - The Liberal Alliance (For Ron Paul Supporters In Greece)

Greece Election 2012 - The Liberal Alliance (For Ron Paul Supporters In Greece) Video Clips. Duration : 9.77 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Tax Act Online . If there was party that had these political beliefs, would you vote for them? 1. Withdrawal of the state from every kind of business activity and the reduction in the size of government and public sector. Amen to this. If one Greek can come to me and say what the government does better than the private sector we will take back our endorsement. Given the simply horrendous state of Greek hospitals, tax offices and roads. This is surely one pledge that all Greek must support. 2. Decriminalization of drug use. As has been shown by Portugal, the criminalisation of drugs serves no purpose other than to enrich those who arepreared to act violently agasint others. Not to mention turning people with substance problems into criminals. As if a substance problem was not enough of a burden. And this ignores the simply massive cost to the taxpayer ofcontroling what things people put into their own bodies. 3. Full separation of church and state Why has this not happended already? 4. Abolition of the (compulsory in Greece) military draft. Quite right. Men in Greece are not the property of the state and they should not be treated as if they were the property of the state. I cannot understand how it is acceptable for the government to force people into service against their wishes. 5. Abolition of permanent employment in the civil sector I could not agree with this more. The civil sector should be treated as a type of benefit for when people are made redundant from the private sector. For ...
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