Sunday, July 15, 2012

1/12 Q & A Session Upcoming Mass Arrests oF Illuminati, ..with Drake - !! Info "show More"

#The Best 1/12 Q & A Session Upcoming Mass Arrests oF Illuminati, ..with Drake - !! Info "show More".

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!!! INFO,Video by Bigsteelguy3 ,Apr/ 6/12,Copy COMPLETELY All Articles, Videos (Copy,Re upload), pdfs, To have more sources, Email All, Flood The Internet W/ Truth Only. Post To Truth Web /Blog Sites. " I PUT TOP INFO IN COMMENTS AREA" ** On April 2, a former George W Bush special adviser for cyber security, Richard A. Clarke, published an op-ed in The New York Times. In the article he argued that the US Department of Homeland Security needs to find a way to monitor what goes in and out of America's online framework to prevent a cyber terror attack. Many argue this proposal will infringe on Americans right to privacy. Declan McCullagh, a correspondent for CNet News, joins us to look closer at the idea of DHS patrolling the net. **GOOGLE / YOUTUBE TITLES (links tampered with in the past) 1." Fema is the secret government" (Home Land Security, TSA, Etc. Are part of FEMA. !!! It does not involve itself in public disclosure, Secret Budget In The Billions, More Power Than The US president.FEMA has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, and arrest and imprison Americans, without any warrant, and detain them without any trial. 2) America is Still A British Colony 3) new world order exposed « Wesdancin 4) Organizational Chart of the Rothschild Occupational Government -- How NWO Elite Control Us ! (Rothchild Own/Control US Fed, CIA, Law Enforcement, Legal System (These Org. Originated From Them Using Their "Think Tanks" 5) America Is A Corporation Since The Act of ...
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